Shah Rukh Khan felt he looked like Kumar Gaurav, Al Pacino. Shah Rukh Khan revealed that before joining Bollywood, he felt he looked like Kumar Gaurav but at a later stage thought his looks matched that of Al Pacino's. (Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has revealed that before he joined the filmdom, he felt he looked like Bollywood actor Kumar Gaurav but at a later stage thought his looks matched that of Hollywood veteran Al Pacino’s.) Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has revealed that before he joined the filmdom, he felt he looked like Bollywood actor Kumar Gaurav but at a later stage thought his looks matched that of Hollywood veteran Al Pacino’s. In his upcoming film “Fan”, Khan will be seen playing two roles, one of a superstar Aryan Khanna and his fan Gaurav, who comes across as his lookalike. “Initially I used to feel I look like Kumar Gaurav (son of Rajendra Kumar)…He was the first star I wanted to meet. I was happy that I looked like someone good like him (Kumar Gaurav). Th...
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